Friday, June 1, 2012

Pinterest Find ~ Painted Vases

Okay, I'll admit it, I am addicted to Pinterst and don't think it is a bad thing.  Inspiration is something all artists need and looking through thousands of gorgeous pictures is a perfect way to find inspiration.

I absolutely fell in love with the jar above.  It was created by Layla at The Lettered Cottage as a pinterest challenge.  She was inspired by the photo below. 

(Photo & Project: Brooke of Pure and Noble)

Using Layla's instructions (found on her blog) I decided to make my own. 

I used a large jar that was originally filled with artichoke hearts and changed the phrase.  The stickers did come off very easily and I am pleased with the outcome. 

I made a second one for the holiday's used snowflake stickers and the words "Let it snow".  I didn't get the stickers quite stuck to the glass enough and to fix the problem I ended up taking a blade and scratching off the paint (It looks fine).  However I decided to spray the paint outside and it was a bit too cold and the paint didn't go on smoothly.  I was planning on sending it as a gift but ended up keeping it due to the mistake.  I ended up tying a light blue, wide ribbon, around the jar mouth and letting the ends trail over the mistakes. 

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