Monday, August 31, 2009
Frankensteined Gothic Arches, Medieval theme

Thursday, August 20, 2009
ATC Alphabet Journal
I promised the COF that I would not open my Journal until I finished all their entries. Well I finished the last Journal today (see post below) and ripped into my Journal. If I had known what was awaiting me I would not have been able to keep my promise.
Okay so for my Journal I went with an ATC format but got very specific. I had two lists of words (alphabet style) and each member was assigned to one of the lists. That had to select a minimum of 3 words and display them on the ATC Without using the words on the ATC.

Okay so for my Journal I went with an ATC format but got very specific. I had two lists of words (alphabet style) and each member was assigned to one of the lists. That had to select a minimum of 3 words and display them on the ATC Without using the words on the ATC.

The above 3 images are the ATC from List A which was Architecture, Birds, Coffee, Door, Eye(s), Feather(s), Garden, Hat(s), Ice, Jasmine, kid(s), Love, Man/Men, Night, Opera, Paris, Quills, Reading, Star(s), Tea, Umbrella, Velvet, Winter, Xanadu, Yarn, ZigZag

The above three images all used words from List B Which was Art, Boy(s), Clock(s), Dog(s), Elegance, Flower(s), Girl(s), Hollywood, Insect(s), Japan,Key(s), Leaf(s), Mermaid(s), Number(s), Ocean, Postage, Queen, Rhinestone(s), Shoe(s), Tree(s), Undergarment(s), Vase, Wing(s), Xebec, Year(s), Zodiac
Not all the words were used and I found it very interesting which ones were not. I am thrilled with all the ATC's and can't wait to put the journal together.

The above three images all used words from List B Which was Art, Boy(s), Clock(s), Dog(s), Elegance, Flower(s), Girl(s), Hollywood, Insect(s), Japan,Key(s), Leaf(s), Mermaid(s), Number(s), Ocean, Postage, Queen, Rhinestone(s), Shoe(s), Tree(s), Undergarment(s), Vase, Wing(s), Xebec, Year(s), Zodiac
Not all the words were used and I found it very interesting which ones were not. I am thrilled with all the ATC's and can't wait to put the journal together.
Thanks to all the COF members for making this such a fun Journal!
Last of the COF Journal's for 2009

I finally finished the last of the Circle of Friends journal's for this year. I've had this one sitting around the house for way too long and feel bad about it. I'm very grateful for the patience of the member who has had to wait on it for WAY TO LONG. I hope she thinks the wait was worth it.
The instructions for this particular journal were "It was a dark and stormy night...Actually it's about 90 degrees and humid, but that doesn't sound nearly as dramatic. This journal is a mystery; or really it's about mysteries. Most of us read Nancy Drew, played clue or seen Hitchcock. So please do some mysterious pages for my journal..."
Being the last person to get this journal and not one that is into pure mysteries this was a hard one for me. I vaguely recalled a movie from my childhood "Arsenic and Old Lace" so I rented it from netFlix (shameless promotion) and sat down to enjoy what I thought was a mystery but turned out more to be a twisted comedy with a brutal plot...being at a bit of a loss I decided to use it anyway.

Page 1 (above) I used a fabulous textured background paper...the dark swirls are felt. The passages are from the start of the movie which takes place in Brooklyn, hence the skyline at the bottom.
The main spread is a combination of the setting of the movie and things that occurred in it. It starts off with a marriage where the couple lives across the graveyard from one another and then the movie moves into the murder aspect with a heavy salting of funny characters and odd twists that I wasn't able to portray well.

And lastly "The End" not just the end of the movie but the end of this members Journal since I'm the last to work on it. so sad...I wrote out the producer and the stars and when it was made, stamped a few random bats and used a Tim Holtz stencil to give the page some punch.
The COF have decided to take a break until next year at least as far as the journal rotations go. So be watching out for the newest journals starting January of 2010.
I hope that everyone has enjoyed my journal entries as much as I have enjoyed working on them.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wedding Napkins

My little sister's good friend is getting married this weekend out here in CA and she asked me if I would make a set of cocktail napkins as part of the gift.
Of course I'll make a set of napkins...always looking for an excuse.
She wanted an elegant set that was very simple. After going back and forth on the colors we finally decided on a two toned grey napkin with silver highlights.
The main portion of the napkin is a light heather grey. I was very worried about this at first since I do not like purple at all but after putting the pewter trim on the purple kinda went away...phew...

Both the center of the napkin and the trim have the silver accents it is just easier to see in these pictures on the darker fabric.
From the very beginning they were always going to have the initial on them.
I wanted to add a tight zig zag of silver thread all along the trim and center part but for some reason my sewing machine would not cooperate at all. I wish that it had because I think it would have made this set of napkins a bit fancier. But then again it could have taken them over the edge since we wanted to keep them very simple and clean.

I hope they make a big hit in their new home...My husband said that no one gets excited over wedding gifts but if I had gotten hand made napkins I think I might have been excited...let's hope she is.
I made extras just in case something went wrong but amazingly nothing did and I am going to be selling the other set (not stamped yet) in my etsy store.
Now onto the next billion of cocktail napkin designs I have floating around in my head.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Flower Themed Charm Swap

Alpha Stamps has done it again...come up with a great theme for a swap. This time it was a Flower Themed Charm Swap where we made 6 similar charms to swap.
This was my first ever go at charms...almost every time I join an Alpha Stamp swap it is my first ever go at it and that is why I enjoy them so much.
Because of the size restrictions, 1" max, I knew that I was going to have a bit of trouble. After all inchies and I do not get along. So I decided to go with the max and selected the bottle cap to work with.
The images I used are from a Tarot Card Collection that I just love and seem to be running out of rapidly.
When I looked to replace them I couldn't find them, hopefully they are just out of stock. However if not some of the images are available on the Court of Flora collage sheet.

I glued the images down with a good fast drying craft glue and then covered them with diamond glaze. While the diamond glaze was still wet I added a touch of sticklers glitter. This made them a little lumpy and I am disappointed in that but hopefully I'll be the only one that notices.
The green on two of the bottle caps is also glitter, it is the new distress glitter by Tim Holtz...not so sure how I feel about this product yet. Maybe this was not the project to try it out on.

My number one mistake was thinking that my tools would work. My needle nosed pliers were to large for this delicate work and I couldn't get the loops as tight as I wanted them. So if this is something you are interested in I suggest trying it out with what you have and then investing in a good set of jewelry sized pliers.
I hope the recipients of my charms like them.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Lutradur ATC class

This past weekend I took an ATC class from Lisa at La Femme Papier
We worked with lutradur, inks and paints. The challenge was to make cards using only solid color papers...allowing the lutradur, ink or paint to add the texture. For those of you that follow my art you know that part wasn't really a challenge for me...now if she had asked me to choose 3 coordinating decorative papers I would have been in trouble.
There were a few things that she showed us we could do with the Lutradur. Burn it, stain it with ink, or use it hole. Any of these three options could be combined.
I decided to burn and stain mine and then I tried to rip it...well the stuff doesn't really rip but I did manage.

I dry brushed a bit of iridescent white Luminere (sp?) paint onto my ATC and used the other inks to stain the word "change". I had a lot of fun making this ATC and I learned a lot. And the best part was we got to exchange our ATC's.
This is the exchanged ATC that I got. Lisa, the artist, used the same procedure I did, staining and dying the Lutradur. But she used it to cover the entire ATC. She has a shimmery gold paper behind the Lutradur and it really gives it great dimension.
I grabbed a few more sheets because I think it will make great spider webs for Halloween pieces, which one of these day's I'll get around to making.
If you live in the Concord CA area you really should check out these classes. Lisa plans on holding one a month.
Monday, August 3, 2009
First Ever T-Shirt Design

So we, the ladies of the 9th needed a fun shirt to wear. After much deliberation and a lot of brain storming we came up with a design and I was asked to "make it happen" and this is what came out of my interpretation of what the ladies wanted. it is going to go on a bright red shirt.
I do hope all the ladies like it and I hope it is good enough to do to battle against the Ladies of the 6th in.
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