Monday, December 29, 2008

The Road to a Friend's House is never long

Here is my latest work on the Circle of Friends Circle Journal. This particular one is our fearless leaders.

She selected for her theme..."A Circle of Friends Travel Guide" Because she can not visit all of us (we are very spread out across the US) she wanted us to take her to the area we live in. She let it be very flexible, it could be anything from our hometown to a favorite room, where we grew up and or a combination of these things.

The only real requirements that she gave us were that we had to include a photo of ourselves, our mailing address, e-mail and phone number (optional).

I am glad she mad it as flexible as she did since I will be moving this summer and I am all in a funk about it. I love where we live right now, good friends, nice house, great church and a wonderful place to bring DD up. But all good things do eventually come to an end and we have to move on.

Because of my funk...I did not concentrate on the town I live in, instead I decided to go with the things that make my home home to me.

The Right hand page of my two page spread is where I have included a photo of myself with my little family. Under the two smaller hearts are photo's of my dog and cat.

The left hand page has a few elements starting on the far left I have created a pocket and placed two matching tags inside. On one of the tags I have written all my contact information for where I currently live, the second tag is so Sandi can fill out contact information for my new home.

In the center I have placed a pear, indicating my, as well as my families love of food and hospitality. We love to have people over to sit around and eat good home cooked meals and chat.

And last but not least the far right I have created a miniature book, inside the opening I have had written "Sitting and getting lost in a good book with loved ones close by. Watching DD learn to read."

I love to read and DD has taken up grabbing her own books (her favorite is Curious George) to sit and read with mama...she says the vowels and points to the words mimicking reading out loud.

I did have a hard time with this journal but only because I have not quite come to terms with the upcoming move. However, it really made me take a look at what goes on in my house that makes it my home...I hope to one day be able to shower Sandi with some of my she can experience all the wonderful things I have expressed in her journal in real life.

1 comment:

summer girl said... the best way to get me somewhere is to tell me not to go there...your addition to Sandi's journal is you!!!