Tuesday, December 9, 2008

12 Day's of Diva-ness Day 1 and 2

Today the PBS Diva's started our Second Annual 12 Days of Christmas Swap. This is a gift swap with one other Diva where for the next 12 days we will open one gift per day!

I have had the gifts from my diva sitting next to my computer now for about a week and it has been killing me not to open them...

But the wait was worth it...

On the First Day of Diva-ness by Diva gave to me
one Tree Wire Form to hang fabulous art swaps from.

And today we actually got to open two gifts, we had to wait for the silly mail system to deliver one last box...


On the Second Day of Diva-ness my Diva gave to me Two (and yes, I did get two of them) black frames to put my favorite pictures in.

Thank you most fabulous Diva partner of mine...I already have both of the wonderful items in use as you can see...

I can hardly wait till tomorrow!

Now I am off to report my fabulous items to the other Diva's and to send a thank you to my wonderful Diva...

I will leave you with a few of the Diva Guidlines:

1. Motto: Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!

10. Feather boas are an essential wardrobe component.

14. Screen protectors on your monitors are a MUST! You'll understand this rule all in good time.

17. Divas talk with their hands. Flutter to the left then flutter to the right. Just be very careful not to smack the person next to you.

19. Divas should never try to light a disposable lighter immediately after having applied lotion to said diva's hands.

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