I received my Diva box! For those of you who do not know what the Diva’s are it is a group of PBSers that exchange a box of goodies each month. Here are this month, April’s guidelines…from the most awsomest hostess with the Mostess Hunter…
This month, you will be required to send at least one item relating to either something floral (flowers, an item decorated with flowers, floral scent, etc) OR an April Fool’s gift (gag gift, humor related game, puzzle, book, etc). You may send more of course, but at least one. The minimum amount required for your Diva box is $25.
I was paired up with Nita…a Rockin woman! And this is what she sent me
There is an adorable card with flip flops on it (some of the flip flops have glitter accents!) and a sweet note…
-2 bags of Starbucks! Yum…I was almost out, now I don’t have to go to the grocery store
-A bag (small brown lunch bag) of lose leaf Darjeeling Tea
-A giant box of Whoppers and then a small box of the New Reeses’ Peanut Butter Whoppers and a small box of the Strawberry milkshake whoppers…Can’t wait to try them.
-A bag of hot tamales…already eating those J
-A Kokopelli bookmark from Arizona (metal tortuous shell colored)
-Aveno Daily moisturizing lotion…use this all the time!
-Dove body wash…I needed this too…and I need a shower (been at the park all day)
-400 Rhinestone Stickers! I love love love these!
-A gorgeous wooden box with an Indian woman on the front reaching up into a tree picking fruit…very pretty. Inside is lined with bright blue velvet.
-A glitter cards book and kit
-Gerber daisies…which I have been enjoying since last Friday when they were deliverd to my doorstep
-3 Wish List Books
The Big over Easy and
AbundanceKudzu received The shining stars pink poodle. Once I got it opened she carried it around the house hugging her tightly. So cute!
Thanks Nita…You Rock!

The following pictures are of the box that I sent to Nita...

This is what she wrote about the box on the Diva Board
Anyways, to come back to my great Diva box from Caroline, it had this pretty painting outside with flowers painted along the bottom edge.
Inside were silk flowers.
Then A very pretty pillow with Zoya's name and pink flowers painted on it and pink and black feathers all around the edges. Zoya also got a crown-shaped keychain, fit for a princess.
There were also 6 Oscar shaped cookies which Zoya declared to be "sooo good".
Next was a wonderful hand-made card reminding me of summer on the beach with a really sweet note in it.
Then there were all these goodies for me!!! Caroline sent me:
-Six Diva cards with envelopes - awesome!!! Caroline even included 6 first class stamps.
-Brand new Terminator (Special Edition) and Terminator 2 (Extreme Edition) DVDs - Love these!!!
-WL book - When Red is Black by Qiu Xiaolong - Yay!!
-A tea-for-two tin of Earl Grey with Bergamot tea silk infusers from Tea Forte
-A set of two ceramic trays for servings silk infusers in celery green from Tea Forte
-And last but definitely not least "Gift of Persia" scentennial drawer liners - AWESOME!!!!!!!!