Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spiced, Spiked & Just Plain Wicked ~ With a Giveaway

This All Hallow's Grim

Put the kids to bed
(or better yet, ship them off to Grandma's)

Lock the door!

With your special Ghoul!

Set your broom aside, you won't be needing it for a while ;)

Let's get cozy by the fire.

Oh, you see your self portrait.  Yes, I spent quite a bit of time capturing your fabulous features.

You must be getting thirsty.  I've prepared a special Brew and Spiced and Spiked Cupcakes just for your visit. 

Tipsy Hot Spiced Pomegranate Sipper

1 cinnamon stick
5 whole cloves
5 thin fresh ginger slices
32 oz pomegranate juice (the good stuff)
4 cups white grape juice
1/2 cup pineapple juice
1 1/4 cup Almond liqueur

Cook cinnamon stick, cloves, and ginger in a cauldron over medium heat, stirring constantly (2-3 min or until cinnamon is fragrant)

Gradually stir in juices.  Bring toa boil over medium-high heat; reduce to medium-low and simmer 15 minutes.  Pour mixture through a wire-mesh strainer into a heat proof pitcher (not a glass one like I show, I waited till it cooled to put it in that) add liquor just before serving.

*There are a number of variations on this drink, if you are interested in a non alcoholic version, a cold version, or a fizzy version let me know and I'll post those as well.

Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes with
Spiked Buttercream Frosting

oh you want the recipe, well this one's a secret, lots of secret herbs and spices and little tricks, a true spell is behind this one!

But if you really really want it I may be convinced, e-mail me at

Good Aren't they!

What a wonderfully Wicked evening!

But, to make it even more Wicked I have a fabulously Wicked Giveaway for one lucky visitor.

A Wicked Banner and a set of Skull and Crossbones Cameos

Leave a comment for 1 entry
If you are taking part in the All Hallow's Grim Blog Party that a 2nd Entry
Currently Following or a new follower is a 3rd entry

Please leave a comment for each time you qualify for the giveaway.

I will select the lucky winner Tuesday, October 18th at noon.

Good Luck!
Can't wait, there are some in my Etsy store!

Well, I guess it's time for you to be off, thank you so much for visiting. 
 Hope to see you soon!

all other images were taken and altered by me

 please respect all artist work, give proper credit


Anonymous said...

This drink sounds amazing! and I want your mantel bats and all!

Ivy said...

Oh my goodness, what a fab post!! Love the images...the sipper recipe is one I'm going to try this weekend..and please enter me in your giveaway! Spooktacular! xoxo

Diana said...

Boo Caroline,
I am all over the fun. Thanks Diana

Summer said...

I absolutely love your photo-tour of the party! Made me feel right at home. :) I especially love the witch painting. And I am totally trying out that tipsy sipper, it sounds delicious!

Diana said...

Caroline, I love the sound of this party, I will email you for the recipe. I follow your blog.

Summer said...

Also, I am an All Hallow's Grim participant!

Shelly said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

It feels like Halloween up in here. I can smell the yummy aromas and I swear I can taste that spiced pumpkin cupcake!

Magaly Guerrero said...

Yum! I want to get wicked because it taste sooo good. I love the way you set this up (and the pic of the bed looks very eerie, by the way). I think I'll make some cider... no, I know I will. Thanks for the wicked yumminess!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I'm a All Hollow's Grim participant. Typing that made me giggle ;-)

Magaly Guerrero said...

I follow your wicked goodness.

Geckostone said...

Ok I'm drooling now! Great post!

Geckostone said...

I'm a AHG participant too!

Geckostone said...

I'm a newbee follower, yipeeeeee!

Unknown said...

The recipe sounds awesome!

Unknown said...

I took part in the Blog Party.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Great post! Love your ideas~ thanks for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!