
Monday, October 29, 2012

Altered Cabinet Card Blog Hop

 Hey everyone! 
Today's the day, all the participants in my Altered Cabinet Card Swap are going to link up and share their work. 
This was a great swap and everyone did a fabulous job so make sure you stop by everyone's blog. 
 I created this piece. 
 For my envelope I used a book, altering the outside to my partner Tabitha's tastes. 
 I was inspired by a Poe poem so I printed it off and included it on the front inside cover of the envelope. 
 I also left one page so that the altered card would have some protection.
 To decorate the hollowed out book I colleagued papers and lace that I had stained to look old.
 Here is my Altered Cab Card inside the envelope.  It barely fits eak!
 The poem I was inspired by is also featured on my altered Cab Card along with a glittery spider web.  I coated the entire image with crackle paint. 
 I just love this addition, I did it at the last minute to make it more Tabitha.  The skull is a paper clay mold I created and then I surrounded it with grunged up flowers and some leaves.
My angel, who is talked about in the poem, I outlines in black and she also got coated with crackle paint.
But now onto the really fun part...
What I got from Tabitha of Creative Wings
 The envelope is made out of a large photo envelope, you know the kind you get with wedding pictures in it.  Very nice brown color that she added gorgeous paper to and the black items are 3D painted with crackle paint, a really cool effect!
 Tabitha gorgeously printed out the definition of a devil and created one for me!
-An evil spirit; a demon
-A very wicked or cruel person
-A mischievously clever or self-willed person
-Fighting spirit; wildness
"he was dangerous when the devil was in him."
 Multiple layers make up this page.  Gorgeous papers, the altered cab car, more gorgeous crackle paint and a transparency on top of it all.
 Can you see the Devil horns? 
 But Tabitha Didn't stop there, check out all these goodies she sent me!
 My very first Millinery flower and what a wonderful color she sent me.
 A handful of fabulous vintage papers, bingo cards etc...I can't wait to play with them.
Buttons Buttons Buttons!  I've been spoiled!!!
I am so happy with this swap thank you Tabitha for my goodies and all the other participants for the great pieces you created. 
Make sure to check out everyone elses creations and thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Awesome card and envelope Caroline! I don't see a linky area, but here is my post.

  2. beautiful are you.
    susan s.

  3. Hi Caroline, here is the link to my blog post:


  4. Hi Caroline! Wonderful pieces! Both your and Tabitha's! Thanks for hosting, it was a lot of fun!

    Here is my link:

  5. hey lady...
    hopefully you r resting,,,raining icky n cold here...i want to nap badly..
    i love my book....its by far one of my favorite swaps...


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