Friday, September 23, 2011

Put the Lime in the Coconut ~ Practical Magic Blog Party and a Giveaway

Hello, and welcome to my Practical Magic Blog Party post. 
 I am so excited that you have stopped by!

Please come in and sit down, pour yourself a tall glass of iced tea (yes, I know it should be a margarita, but the pitcher I used is my grandmothers and I only ever remember her serving iced tea out of it so that's what I do with it of course) and have a cupcake. 

This year my party post has more to do with the book than with the movie. 

In preparation for the party I decided to read the book and did a little Read Along over the past few weeks that was great fun.

I created a bookmark for each section of the book.

Anyway, enough about what I have done let's party! 
What is Practical Magic?  Well, after reading I've come to the conclusion that it is the love shared in a family, most specifically the bond between the female members. 
For generations my family has been sharing this bond and I am so proud to be a part of my family and to have the rich history that we do. 
So without further ado, I introduce you to who I know as "The Three Crows"

Whenever my maternal Grandmother pulls out this picture she loves to tell us about these women, how they got the name "The Three Crows," she says back when this picture was taken it was considered making it if you owned a black silk dress got dressed up and took your picture.  When their picture was developed someone said they looked like three black crows and well it stuck. I kinda think they look like witches but then again I did add hats to the image ;)

My Grandmother is an excellent baker and somehow I got lucky enough to inherit some of her talent, I'm sure one of these ladies possessed the ability also.  So thank you for helping with the Lime in the Coconut Cupcakes

For the cupcakes:
2 cups sugar
zest of 3 limes
3/4 pound (3 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
6 eggs at room temperature
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup coconut cream
3 ounces sweetened, shredded coconut (a little less than half a bag)

For the frosting:
1 8-ounce packages cream cheese, room temperature
1 stick (1 cup) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
zest of two limes and juice of 1
1 1/2 pounds confectioners’ sugar, sifted

For the Garnish:
3 ounces sweetened, shredded coconut; lightly toasted

1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. and line 2 cupcake tins with paper liners.
2. In a medium bowl, combine the sugar and lime zest and mix together until the sugar is moistened and fragrant.
3. Cream the butter and sugar on high speed until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. With the mixer on low speed, add the eggs 1 at a time.  Add the vanilla and mix until well combined.
3. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Alternately add the dry ingredients and the coconut cream to the batter, beginning and ending with the dry mix.  Mix until just combined. Fold in the shredded coconut.
4. Fill each prepared cupcake liner 3/4 full. Bake for 30 minutes, until the tops are brown and a toothpick comes out clean. Allow to cool in the pan for 15 minutes. Remove to a baking rack and cool completely.
5. While the cupcakes are cooling, prepare the frosting.
6. Cream together the cream cheese, butter, vanilla, lime zest and juice until well combined. Slowly add the confectioners’ sugar and mix until smooth.
7. Frost the cupcakes and finish with a sprinkling of lightly toasted coconut.

Good Aren't they!

Now meet my father's great aunts and grandmother, all 7 of them!  Harriet, Amelia, Bertha, Winnie, Neddie, Leatha and Carol (whom I'm named after)

Oh my, you would think with 7 of them that they would manage to keep the spiders off the table!  Or do you think they invited him? 

And here are some very special guests, this is my mother (on the right) and her little sister. 

Their father grew the most lovely roses! 

Speaking of sisters, here's mine and yep that's me on the right in blue, trying to stay out of trouble. 

"If a woman is in trouble, she should always wear blue for protection. Blue shoes or a blue dress. A sweater the color of a robin's egg or a scarf the shade of heaven. A thin satin ribbon, carefully threaded through the white lace hem of a slip. Any of these will do. But if a candle burns blue, that is something else entirely, that's no luck at all, for it means there's a spirit in your house. And if the flame should flicker, then grow stronger each time the candle is lit, the spirit is settling in."
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman, pg 129.

Quick someone check the candles!

My girls say the candles aren't burning blue, phew that's a relief!  Have you met my little ones?  Well, here they are two more sisters for our party.

Look at that my trouble makers in blue!  And I think she's trying to get more than her share of the cupcakes. 

Oh well, it's a party after all but you have to wash your hands first. Yes, of course you can use the Black soap the aunts make and oh I have some for one of you too! 
It's my Practical Magic Giveaway.

Little Black Dress Natural Soap (black like the soap the aunts used in the book) from Wicked Soaps
Lilac scented soy candle from T - aromas (the flower that grew out of control over Jimmy's grave)
and a pair of socks, blue of course!

How can you win this? 

Well it's simple just leave a comment (with a way for me to contact you)
Taking part in the Practical Magic Blog Party (that's a second entry)
Took part in my Read Along (that's an entry for every time you answered questions)

In your comment let me know how many times you qualify to be entered.

I will take entries till Wednesday the 28th at noon.  Good Luck!

I am so glad you stopped by my party, hope you had a great time, I did.

Please come back soon!

Safe Journey, it's stormy out and you know "Lightning, like love, is never ruled by logic."  Wouldn't want your umbrella attracting the wrong kind of attention ;)



LuLu Kellogg said...

Hi Caroline...Lovely to meet you! Thank you for popping by my Blog today to share in the Practical Magic celebration! Please enter me two times for your drawing!
Happy Autumn!

Jorgelina said...

What a wonderful party this is!!
Love this movie!!

Wicked Faerie Queen said...

What a beautiful post! I love your party and I cannot wait to try your recipe. Your girls are adorable.


Lily's Lace said...

I love every bit of it! I loved the photo of the aunts and grandmothers, there has to be a funny card line for that shot! And the cupcakes look wonderful, lordy I wish I had one right now! Come see my witchy poem, cindy

Betty said...

I have enjoyed your party and thanks for the recipe.

I am also having a party.

Please enter my name in your wonderful giveaway.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

oh how exciting to be here at your fun practical magic party!!!! love all your wonderful is great to have so many blogs to visit...thank you for a magical time...

Georgie Horn said...

Great posting! I love vintage photos! Thanks for being a follower of Puddin n Pie...

Andréann said...

All the pictures are so great! It's lovely to have so much to share about our family, I wish I could do the same!

That soap is beautiful, I love the mold you use (and I want to eat it....)

Andréann said...

Of course I come from the PM party. I'll try to come back for the read-a-long, I'll have to take out my book!

Bird said...

A very beautiful autumn morning to you, Caroline,
I loved your post and the photos you shared of your family, oh yes, and the recipe. I love coconut, so I'll definitely be putting it on top of the cupcakes. Yum, they sound so good.

Lovely PM party post. And thank you for visiting my blog for the PM party, too.

I would also love to be entered in your giveaway. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! "THE THREE CROWS" were great and the hats were a nice touch :) I want to bite the cupcakes off the page!


Anonymous said...

What a great party. You have a wonderful family. I love the cupcakes, thank you for the recipe.
Your give away looks great. I entered the Practical Magic Blog Party ; )
Have a magical weekend.

Edith Schmidt said...

what a fantastic post!! I love it and cant wait to get started in the kitchen baking that wonderful recipe! Thanks so much

Karen said...

Delightful intertwining of your family into the Magic of this blog party...
Please visit mine if you can !!

Anonymous said...

❤ Thanks so much for visiting! I revised to say that anyone can read e-books! I don't have a KINDLE or NOOK either... I downloaded the FREE apps for my PC and Phone from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I posted links on my post! Check it out because we really do have the same tastes in books. Bella Street is my fave new author :)


Magaly Guerrero said...

Yum! I've saved your grandma's coconut cupcake recipe. My grandma used to say that magic is better when we eat it and share it, so I'll eat a bit of your family magic. Thanks so much for sharing!

And for the giveaway...
-I left a comment
-I am part of the party

P.S. Stop by Pagan Culture, I'm having an All Hallow's Grim party. Maybe you'll sweeten the celebration with something creepy and sugary ;-)

Dena Miller said...

Very nice post.

Stop on over to my party, I would love for you to visit♥
I have not yet read the book, but it is most certainly on my to do list!!!! I am requesting it for Christmas..tee hee.

Lisa said...

Caroline what a wonderful post! My enchanted oven is enchanted with the three crows. Hope you can stop by my party and have some PM cookies.

Bloomin'Chick Jo said...

What a great post! Wish I'd found you sooner so I could have re-read the novel with you, it's one of my favorites! Happy 2nd Annual Practical Magic Blog Party! Hope you’ll drop by:

Victoria said...

What a beautiful post..gorgeous family photos..very heart-touching..and oh my..those divine cupcakes..yum! Thankyou for this magical adventure and for your wonderful giveaways! Yay!

Unknown said...

Your post is AWESOME!! I totally printed the recipe and can't WAIT to make them!! Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. i truly appreciate it! Nice to meet you witch sister!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•`*SANDI

Celia said...

This was a great party post....the cupcakes sound delicious! Please visit me over at my PM party too! I am really sorry that I missed the read along!

Sylvia said...

Great post, I must read that book and defenitely check my candles!

The cupcake recipe looks good, my kids and I will have to try it for sure.


Theresa MacNaughton said...

HI Caroline! You did such a wonderful job with your Practical Magic post! I love how you related it to your family. Thanks so much for sharing your story and the cupcake recipe (yum!). Please feel free to come and visit with me, too. :)
Sincerely, Theresa

Jane K said...

Loved your wonderful post. The cupcakes look yummy thanks for the recipe and I love all your old family photos.

For your givaway
I've left this comment
and I'm a part of the practical magic party.

Lady Jess said...

For several months I have been trying to find in stores, or in recipe form, the Aunts' black soap! Here it is! I love soy candles! They're SO much better for your health and the environment! And I could always use another pair of awesome socks!Thank you so much for doing this giveaway I hope I win!

My e-mail~

My PM post~

Susan said...

Wonderful party Carol! I loved meeting your family...all those wonderful sisters! how old are your little ones? just darling!
I can't wait to try your cupcakes!
Happy Mabon!

Susan said...

I am a participant!

Shelly said...

adore your post!! love the pics!! had a wonderful time at your party! please enter me in your giveaway.

i have a small post too on my blog


Victoria said...

What a beautiful post and what a beautiful family you have. Those cupcakes looked so good I almost licked the screen!


Victoria from Brushstrokes via the Practical Magic Blog Party.

Petunia said...

Caroline I just love your post! Such an amazing party. It was wonderful meeting your family and the 3 crows made me smile. I'm definitely saving your cupcake recipe, it sounds divine. Glad you reminded us about wearing blue! Thank you for being a part of my Practical Magic party this year. I had a lovely visit here :)


Misty said...

My mouth is watering those cupcakes look so delicious! Coconut rocks! I am in the middle of reading the book and it is hard to put down! Thanks for posting!

I have 2 entries, left a comment and was a participant in the PM blog party) I wish I could have joined in on the read along! It looked like fun!! I am going to follow your blog from now on!

Birgit said...

Hi Caroline,

So much of your post made me smile -- especially the three crows. :) Thanks for sharing those family photos, too.

I read the book a while ago. It's interesting to compare it to the movie, isn't it?

Would be lovely if you visited my party post, too.

Oh, and -- thanks for the chance to win goodies!

Magical Times,

Anonymous said...

Caroline this post is amazing! I have really enjoyed following your read along party. I hope to have time for the next one you do! :) Can I enter your giveaway one time for loving your post? :)

Michelle said...

What an enchanting party post! My mouth is watering at that cupcake recipe you shared. I love the closeness that sisters inspire. Thanks for sharing your sister stories!

Ricki Treleaven said...

Hello, I am visiting form the Practical Magic Blog party. :D Very cute post. i am enjoying the party so much! I participated, so that gives me two chances to win your very generous giveaway!

*off to check my candles*

Ricki Jill

KG said...

Those cupcakes look absolutely delicious! I can't wait to try them. Thank you so much for swinging by my PM party post! That would be 2 entries for me in your wonderful giveaway 1 for commenting and one for being a PM party participant.

K. Michele

Sandy said...

Hi Caroline, I adore your party post. The girls look so sweet, and I know you already know how truly blessed you are to have such an amazing heritage/sisterhood in your family. Girl, with all these yummy recipes, I may become a baker yet. No idea how many times to say... I was in each of the Practical Magic read alongs, and your blog party here. Thank you so much for the party. I enjoyed. Hoppin' my broom back to domesticity now. LOL Smiles, Sandy (

Melissa said...

What a lovely post! I love looking at old family photos and hearing the history 9or herstory:P) behind them!! And that recipe looks delish!

Please enter me
2X as I also am a participant!

I am off to check out your read along posts...I wich I had known about it...I just read the book for this party!!

mk261274 at gmail dot com

♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Meanderings

lizventuri said...

I am really enjoying this whole blog party. It was lovely to "meet" you.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post! Thank you for sharing the book quotes (I have yet to read it) and for the lovely giveaway - even though I'm too late to enter!
BB- Renee