
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring Reading

This week at One Powerful Hour I set the theme of Spring.

Where I live Spring has fully sprung. One minutes it is warm and sunny the next raining, cold and windy. The flowers are blooming and the allergies are rampant :)

One of my favorite things to do in the Spring/Fall is to read outside. However many times I find myself sitting inside reading looking out at the not so perfect weather. So this is my interpretation of Spring. It may be beautiful outside but you can't always go outside.

All the images, paper and German Scrap for this piece were purchased from Alpha Stamps . The flowers are cut from one of the beautiful papers and then I added some sparkeling H2O's to make them shimmer.

This ATC is also featured on the Alpha Stamps web site (yahoo yahoo) HERE (scroll down the page). I made it for a swap that I am hostessing through the Alpha Stamps Yahoo group. A season themed ATC swap 3 for 3. We have just completed Spring and I am gearing up for the summer swap. Come and join us!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caroline...If you cook as well as you create art, I would love to be dining at your home! I love your "Spring" theme gorgeous and beautifully created. I have joined your followers list so I may easily return and view more of our artwork...I hope you will join me as well. Hard to think it is already the end of! Hugs, Gayle (in Canada)


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