
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Valentine Banners Swap ~ Due in the Mail

If you are taking part in the Fabulous Alpha Stamps Valentine Banner Kit ATC Swap, they are due in the mail today.  Hard to believe February is over!
This is one of the ATC's that I will be swapping out. 
Looking forward to seeing all the wonderful creations other swappers have made.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Keys open Doors ~ COF Journal and Art Share

It's hard to believe that this is the final journal in another Circle of Friends Journal Rotation.  This round seemed to fly by, all the themes were so inspiring. 
Sandi M. selected the theme "Key's Open Doors" she provided keys and we had to use one somewhere,either on our intro page or our 3 page layout.  The intro page was for our helpful advice.
I received Sandi's journal in February and had just won Wendy's fabulous giveaway and received the silhouettes so instantly I decided to combine the elements and have my "advice" be "Key's to the Heart."
See that little black envelope, well it opens, and inside is my characters name what the key to her heart is. 
This Key opens Vesta's heart.
"I'm Vesta the key to my heart is a good home filled with laughter.  Every room holds precious memories of past generations and future loved ones.  The house may grow and under go changes but it always remains the center of my love."
Vesta is the Goddess of the Hearth and Home in Roman Mythology.
Then came my three page spread.
It was a lot of fun to make each page fit the silhouette and personality that I selected.
"Good Day,
I'm Fortuna, the Key to my heart is to be successful either by hard work or luck.  I'm a born shopper so you must have expendable cash.  But Don't get me wrong I will bring you just as much fortune as you bring to me.  Hope to meet the right one soon. 
Fortuna is the Goddess of Fortune
I hand wrote all the letters and folded them into itty bitty squares to fit into the envelopes. 
My name is Flora and the Key to my heart is Flowers.  Especially those that bloom in the spring, tulips, buttercups etc...I love Spring and want to visit every country in the Spring, experience the change of season culturally with the one I love.
Flora is the Goddess of Spring and Flowers
I think this is my favorite page, but it is so hard to decide.  They key I created for this page I think is the most original. 
My name is Fauna and the Key to my heart is long nature walks, camping, and aiding nature preserves.  I love to garden, rain or shine and all animals are my friends.  Want to spend time exploring the world God made?
Fauna is the Goddess of Nature
This is the first page of Sandi's Journal
Her key opens the door to many colorful flowers
 and her advice is to "Bee Happy"
Monica's advice is to not cage a bird
I love how she has so much empty space, that is something I could never leave alone and she does it so beautifully.
Sandy P.'s Key page is really unique, everything was created by ripping paper.
An entire town over her 3 page spread.
And each door opens to a different word spelling out
"Always look on the bright side of life!"
I love the quote Andrea selected!
The other phrases/quotes she spread across her pages are
"Follow your heart:
:being yourself is the key to freedom"
"Make your own path"
I hope you have enjoyed viewing all the wonderful Journals we at the Circle of Friends have done this year.  Our next round will start in a few months.  If you are interested stop by and check us out.  I received my journal back a few days ago and will be sharing the wonderful art soon. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Valentine Tea Cup Swap ~ Royal Chelsea

Today I am sharing a tea cup that I sent to my MAMA partnern Wendy of Bliss Angels for the Beaded Spoon and Teacup swap.
I absolutely love this cup, Royal Chelsea, the petite pink roses are just perfect for Valentines and they remind me of some fabric my grandmother used to make nightgowns out of when I was a child. 
I love the simple gold trim, gives it just a bit more sophistication.   
I loved the cup so much I asked the seller if she had another one, alas she didn't.  But she promised to keep an eye out for me. 
The second part of the swap was to make a beaded spoon.  What's a beaded spoon you ask, well first off they are addictive, I've ordered a bunch of spoons and beads since I put this one together and secondly they are exactly what they sound like.  You just wire beads and charms onto your spoon.
I had some amazing hears shaped green and pink beads in my stash and just added some fresh water pearls and some other matching glass beads.
I painted all my charms silver to match the spoon, which I left tarnished because I thought it gave it a bit of an artistic look.  I hope my partner didn't mind. 
Before I mailed off this cup I filled it with goodies.
And added some Passion Tea and Chocolates.
Wendy of Bliss Angels was my partner and she outdid herself. 
You can see what she sent me HERE, yep that means another cut!

I am linking up with Terri over Artful Affirmations for Tea Cup Tuesday

Monday, February 25, 2013

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not ~ Blissful ATC Swap

Recently I've decided to branch out and join some art groups.  Step outside of my comfort zone and give my artwork a much needed injection. 
I joined the Blissfull ATC Swaps group and the theme for February was,
"He Love's me, He Love's me Not"
The swap was 3 for 3. 
I called this ATC, "You know from the very first kiss"
the image is one of mine from the Paintings of Romance Collage Sheet
But my favorite aspect is the broach type creation I did at the bottom I like to imagine it is what he would give her as an anniversary gift.
The second ATC I sent I called "Pairing them up"
When you open it up there is a list of boy names on the left and girl names on the right.  Busy Little Cupids make a list of who goes with who.  The inside images are from a Digital Collage Sheet Busy Little Cupids the outside image from Alpha Stamps.
And for my final ATC I went much more literal with the theme. 
She is pulling petals from a flower, you know just like the traditional "He Love's me, He Love's me not" images. 
I absolutely love the image, it too is one of mine from the Paintings of Romance Collage Sheet
I created the little book it is less than 1". 
I hope my partner likes what I have created for her.
My partner was Kamali M. alas she is bloggless so I can't share any more of her art with you.  She took a totally different and very ingenious approach.  She used all three of her ATC's to spread the theme across.
The first ATC in the set start off with "He Love's Me
Then a short little poem by Emily Bronte
And the sad final ending of a broken heart. 
I enjoyed this swap and creating for someone new.  I'm looking forward to more Blissful ATC Swaps in the future.  

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Love Pagoda

Well after three tutorials I know you might be a bit sick of seeing my Pagoda but I thought a post with just the finished images would be nice. 
I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and as always feel free to ask any questions. 
All ephemeral from Alpha Stamps
Pagoda Design and Tutorials property of Glitter Tart Designs copyright 2013. 
Please be inspired by my work, ask if you would like to share the tutorial and share your Pagoda's with me.